Monday, August 22, 2005


Just went back for a facial and body slimming programme. I have been wraped by the beauty consultant, so now I'm like a "mu4 nai3 yi1". Difficult to move freely.
Received a call fr CSA, big big company le! Wah, if they employ me, good man. But now already phobia to interview. Keep on answering the same question, tired.
Sigh...... When can I get a job? Oh, GOD! End of August liao, really hope will start work on September. Luckily my husband still can support me. Although sometime he is a bit "lo so", but still consider him as a good husband.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


昨天上午心情十分沉重. 呆在家快要整个月了, 太无聊了. 原来没有做工是痛苦万分的. 人生的目的究竟何在? 所以禁不住责问上帝为何不答复我的祷告, 帮助我尽快找到工作. 当时我坐在客厅的咖啡桌前, 忽然我把头向后一转, 目光不偏不倚的停留在桌上不知何时已被翻开的"标竿人生"的其中一个段落. 书中写到: 当先知哈巴谷以为神未如期动工, 而感到意志消沉时, 神这样说: "...... 实现的日期还没有到. 但是时候就要到了, 我所指示给你的很快就要实现. 你也许会觉得太慢, 但是等着吧, 事情一定发生, 且不耽延." 延迟, 不是神的否定. 看到这节文章, 顿时让我释怀. 是的. 上帝是怜悯的, 是信实的. 它知道什么对我们最好, 什么时机是最恰当, 我们只要耐心等候, 必定寻着.